Hostility appears to be growing toward protesters camping outside the Trans Mountain terminal on Burnaby Mountain.
Occupants of Camp Cloud woke up Saturday morning to find their tents and structures vandalized with intimidating messages in black spray-paint telling the group to “go home,” “f*** off” and “protesters not welcome.”
Elauna Boutwell, who is staying at the camp, said the group fell asleep around the fire Friday night, and was surprised by what they found the next morning.
“It was pretty disturbing to wake up to,” she told the NOW, about the words painted on the shelter built for women, two-spirit people and children. “You came out of the space, and the message was for the people in the cabin, and then again on the ramp."
Messages on the ramp are now covered by black plastic mats, and other graffiti has been covered by red paint.
“That's what really makes me angry: we’re creating a safe space, and then it’s just desecrated,” she said. “I’m disappointed. The word ‘cowardice’ was put out there, that it was a bit of a coward move, but I feel kind of invaded. I don’t feel unsafe, but it kind of makes me think.”