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LETTERS: Theatre of the absurd unfolds in Burnaby

Dear Editor Re: Feds pitch in for transit projects, Burnaby NOW, June 17.

Dear Editor

Re: Feds pitch in for transit projects, Burnaby NOW, June 17.

The large picture accompanying this story was the most interesting part for me; having always believed that of all the one-liners that Jay Leno produced, his best one was: “Politics is really show business for ugly people.” That was so very apparent last week when Canada’s Prime Minister and B.C.’s Premier appeared in this picture taken in Burnaby, using the Canada Line train as an expensive backdrop. They were joined in this theatre of the absurd by other federal, provincial and municipal politicians who all gave performances worthy of an Oscar. We, the Great Unwashed, knew what they were about to say was little more than a well-scripted rehash of previous announcements.

They all knew it, we all knew it, and they all knew that we all knew it, but in the best theatrical tradition: “The show must go on.” Nothing as trivial as appearing absolutely phony and ridiculous would ever deter the politicians from putting on a show; to inform us how much of our own tax money and borrowed money (that will eventually have to be repaid through higher taxes), would be spent on upgrading public transit.

The PM is pictured with his hand in the air, no doubt trying to ascertain which way the political wind is blowing; while the Premier looks down trying to hide her glee, figuring this is a great photo-op for her upcoming provincial election campaign.

A much more savvy politician than all the current bunch, whose stellar career was cut short in a theatre, once observed: “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time; but you cannot fool all the people all of the time.” Words of wisdom from Abraham Lincoln that should be taken to heart.

Bernie Smith, by email.