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Daren Hancott

Party: Burnaby First Coalition Profession: Business executive Why are you running? To give Burnaby residents real choice for a better future. There is no balance to the 100% majority NDP government at city hall, and with 77.
Daren Hancott

Party: Burnaby First Coalition

Profession: Business executive


Why are you running?

To give Burnaby residents real choice for a better future. There is no balance to the 100% majority NDP government at city hall, and with 77.5% of eligible residents not voting in the last election, I believe it is time Burnaby was given a good reason to get out and vote.


Top 3 Issues:

1.       Freezing taxes

2.       Creating the economic conditions for business growth

3.       A core review of policies, priorities and plans, leading to consultation with Burnaby residents on one-time spending priorities


Contact Info:


Twitter: @BurnabyFirst