Party: Burnaby First Coalition
Profession: Retired Burnaby public school teacher/administrator (42 years)
Political experience: Board of Vancity 12 years, BCIT six years, S.F.U. three years, College of Psychologists four years, City of Burnaby – chair of planning, social issues and transportation and City of Vancouver – board of variance – three years.
Why are you running?
I am most concerned about the erosion of public education. Public education was one of the pillars that Canada was founded on. Public education is the foundation of a civil society. Public education is what attracts immigrants. Public education is an economic generator.
Top three issues you want to work on:
- Changing Burnaby schools from “a Good Place to Learn” to Burnaby Schools “a GREAT Place to learn”
- Attraction and retention of Burnaby students in |Burnaby public schools
- Accountability, accessibility and openness to all stakeholders
Contact info
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 604-299-6592
Cell: 778-881-6592
Follow me on Twitter: @burnabyfirst