Party: Burnaby First Coalition
Profession: Business owner (pharmacies, coffee shop), entrepreneur
Political experience (i.e. how long have you been in office?): N/A
Why are you running?
I want to see change in Burnaby. I am running for school trustee because I had to make the difficult decision to enroll my son in private school three years ago, due to inadequacies of the public system. I want to improve the system so that future parents like me will not have to make difficult decisions and sacrifices in order to provide what’s best for their children’s education.
Top three issues you want to work on:
As your school trustee, let’s focus on the priority for interests of students and their educational needs, develop polices to allow each student to reach their fullest potentials, and offer more programs that reflects our student individual learning needs such as advance placement, leadership program and IB programs, to name a few.
Contact info
Phone: 778-896-8376
Follow me on Twitter: @burnabyfirst