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Epic Reddit thread shares strange scenes spotted around Vancouver

Ever watched someone throw a lemon at you?
A man rides a shopping cart down a hill in Vancouver, one of the stranger sights someone on Reddit had seen.

Ever see someone jogging down the street covered in blue paint? Or found a bunch of dildoes and cookie boxes? Or hundreds of chickens at a busy intersection?

Someone has.

A thread on r/Vancouver includes these moments and more. After user u/allerralapeche asked the community about the 'strangest thing you've ever seen walking down the street in Vancouver?' people came up with a wide variety of experiences. 

While some get pretty dark, others are more fun.

"Chickens, hundreds of them at 4 or 5 am, animal rights group let them out of their cages at the slaughterhouse on Hastings at Commercial," writes u/Noisy_Ninka1. "It was like the most aimless gathering of stupid birds ever, most just stood there, others wandered into traffic..."

Another is bird based.

"A row of ducks (mommy duck with ducklings) crossing the street in Richmond. It was super cute. Traffic in all directions stopped for them," writes u/shopaholicsanonymous.

It seems animals in general catch attention.

"Does a baby deer right in the middle of Granville and Nelson count?" writes u/NotACoachman.

"A Barred Owl killing a pigeon in the middle of Robson and Thurlow intersection at 2:00 am," writes u/BabysInBlack. "Stumbling across this scene drunk was the most surreal experience. At one point the owl grabbed the pigeon and flew straight into the Starbucks window, shook itself off and flew up to The Keg roof to eat."

Often, though it's people acting abnormally that caught people's eyes.

"In recent memory, a fully built shed being pushed down the road to Strathcona park," says u/Kooriki. "I grew up in North Van so I've seen these guys bombing down Lonsdale on more than 1 occasion."

"This happened today, I was riding my bike, but still. I saw a flamboyantly dressed guy rollerblading backwards on English Bay practicing his nunchuck skills," writes Bentrstrings84.

"A guy steering a remote control pickup truck through Gastown, with his pet rat riding on the back," writes u/louisdosed.

"Walking home along 49th late at night, a car pulls over with two guys in suits looking like MiB. One gets out, pisses on a fence in front of me and then gets back in and they take off," writes u/BizarreMoose.

"I was at the Hastings and Columbia stoplight and a dude whipped a lemon at my windscreen," writes u/DameEmma. "So many questions."

"Two people rush out of a limo completely naked on Granville A super hot girl and dude with a huge schlong proceed to do cart wheels and then jump back into the limo and leave. Must have dared each other or something."