Name: Bill Brassington
QUESTIONS (in 50 words or less unless specified)
Tell us about yourself. (100 words)
I am the proud parent of two Burnaby students, and 13 years ago I decided to become involved in their school and in my community. I have served on the Gilmore Community School Council for 8 years, the last 4 years as Chairperson. I’ve also served on many other Burnaby school district committees, and I currently serve Burnaby on the Sustainable City Advisory Committee.I believe in a strong public education system and in the power of schools to make all students feel safe, respected and included. As a school trustee, I will advocate for all Burnaby students.
What are the top 3 issues facing the Burnaby school board?
1. Ensure that Burnaby teachers have the classroom resources and technology they need for our children to learn and thrive.
2. Ensure that Burnaby schools are safe and accessible for students.
3. Expand on the “Family of Schools” model as a means to building community.
What has the current school board done right?
Success is best measured by outcomes. Over the last four years, many Burnaby students have received awards in many academic and skills areas. Students have thrived in Burnaby because of dedicated Teachers, Staff and School Trustees working together.
What have they done wrong?
They have done a great job with the resources provided.
What is your favourite thing about Burnaby public schools:
Everyone who works or learns in Burnaby public schools has a voice. Parents, teachers, staff, community members and students are consulted and their points of view considered.
What 3 people would you invite to a dinner party?
Jules Verne - to discuss his fantastic imagination and foresight.
Nelson Mandela - for his wisdom and understanding.
My Grandfather - he passed when I was a teen and there are so many things I would ask him now that I am a father.
Editor's note: Candidates were given specific word count guidelines and were cut off if they went over the count.