Name: Christine Cunningham
QUESTIONS (in 50 words or less unless specified)
Tell us about yourself. (100 words)
My early education was in a tiny two-room schoolhouse in the English countryside. My family immigrated to Canada when I was nine-and-a-half. In my first Canadian school, I received plenty of heckling about my then English accent and terminology! As a teenager, I marched for denuclearization, indigenous rights, women’s rights, world peace, you name it! I studied at SFU and obtained my law degree from UBC. I was a children’s lawyer for 30 years. I am passionate about nature and love reading, painting and hanging out with my grandchildren.
What are the top 3 issues facing the Burnaby school board?
The SB needs to advocate for adequate funding from the Provincial Government and allocate funding wisely. It needs to find ways to provide/pay for ESL education for resident children who require it. Thirdly, the SB needs to find ways to retain its’ school personnel and address succession planning.
What has the current school board done right?
The current SB has taken steps to address bullying and implement SOGi. It designated eight schools as community schools.
What have they done wrong?
The next SB needs to build on the positive achievements of the current SB and communicate with youth, schools, parents and the community about ways to keep progressing.
What is your favourite thing about Burnaby public schools:
That they are public. Universal, free education which enables a child to reach their full potential is a human right recognized under international law (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child). This right is also in keeping with Green Party values of social justice and equal opportunity.
What 3 people would you invite to a dinner party?
I would invite my father who died in 1988 and my two sons. My sons were very young when my father died. I would like my sons to meet their courageous, kind and fascinating grandfather and I know my father would be so delighted and proud to meet his adult grandsons.
Editor's note: Candidates were given specific word count guidelines and were cut off if they went over the count.