The Burnaby NOW asked every candidate running for office in the Oct. 20 civic election to fill out a questionnaire. We hope this helps you make an informed decision at the ballot box.
Candidates were given strict word limits and a deadline to submit their answers. Those who missed the deadline will not have their questionnaires posted and answers exceeding word limits will be cut off.
More candidate questionnaires can be found here and more of our election coverage can be found here.
Name: Mehreen Chaudry
Current occupation: Program Coordinator
Tell us about yourself.
I am running for City Council with the Burnaby Green Party. I was born in Ottawa, Ontario and grew up in Pakistan. I moved to the United States to pursue my Bachelor of Arts with honours in International Business and Economics and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Illinois. I have extensive professional experience working as a project manager with multinational organizations.For the past two years, I have been a member of the Burnaby community with my two young sons.
What are the top three issues in Burnaby right now and what would you do to fix them?
1. Affordable Housing: There should be more space and more money invested in affordable housing. Renters comprise 38 percent of households , a growing proportion of the market. Local incomes cannot keep up with housing costs. The City has the resources and legislative tools to improve affordability. City councillors should make decisions for people, not their developer donors.
2. Lack of daycare space and before and after school care: Childcare can be extremely difficult to find. When you can find it, it is not always easy to get to it. Before and after school care is also a challenge where schools do not have such space. We need a childcare strategy that meets the diverse needs of families.
3. Healthy, Accessible Public Spaces: With increasing traffic congestion and a larger population in town centers, we must provide more green spaces, and greener alternatives for transportation and housing.
If you have run for office before, what have you learned? If you have not, why are you running now? (75 words max)
Being new to Burnaby, I have personally faced issues with housing and childcare. Furthermore, I have has been actively involved in the community, working with the Chaffey-Burke PAC. I am driven by my desire to do more for the community. I want to make a positive difference in the lives of the people around me. As a working mom, I understand the challenges of finding quality, convenient and affordable childcare in Burnaby.
What is one achievement and one failure of Burnaby council in the last four years?
I think my neighbourhood school serves our children well. Our police and firefighters keep us safe.
What do you like about the city. Why did you choose to live here?
For me, the problem is that the City is controlled by a small group of people that seem more concerned about maintaining control over the administration of the City than making it sustainable and responsive to its citizens.
What would make you a good councillor/mayor?
Having faced issues myself in Burnaby, I understand the challenges and needs of young families. In addition, I am highly motivated, outgoing and fully capable to solve those problems to benefit the entire community.
What movie is most relevant to your life and why?
Hidden Figures is the movie which is most relevant to my life because is it about women who broke gender, race, and professional barriers to accomplish something extraordinary. Through their intelligence, determination and desire, they were crucial in one of the greatest scientific endeavors in human history.
How can voters reach you?