I recognition of National Non-Smoking Week, Jan. 20 to 26, the provincial government is urging smokers to butt out for good with the help of the B.C. smoking cessation program.
Established in 1997, the national campaign aims to help people quit smoking and prevent people who do not smoke from becoming addicted to tobacco.
"During National Non-Smoking Week, I encourage all British Columbians to take advantage of the smoking cessation program and to consider quitting for their health and the health of their families," said Health Minister Margaret McDiarmid in a press release.
While B.C. has the lowest smoking rate in Canada, at 14.2 per cent, there are still approximately 550,000 British Columbians who smoke, though an estimated 70 per cent of them want to quit, according to the release.
To access the smoking cessation program, call HealthLink B.C., at 811.
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