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Food, fun and music on the menu for Burnaby Christmas Bureau

Upcoming fundraising dinner event a perfect opportunity for local businesses to help celebrate with staff while doing good for the community, says bureau organizer

It's said that it's better to give than to receive, but best of all is to give while having fun and spreading cheer along the way - and an opportunity to do just that is coming up this month.

Plans for this year's Burnaby Christmas Bureau's Fill A Stocking, Fulfill a Wish gala evening are well underway, says executive director Stephen D'Souza, with entertainment booked and auction items coming in ready for bids.

The dinner event raises funds for the annual bureau campaign, which provides toys and food for low-income families in the city, but D'Souza says the fundraising is just one benefit.

"It's significant in that it really engages our local businesses and unions, it's an opportunity for all of us to get together," he said. "It's not just the money that comes in that day, it's the connections and relationships that are built when people come together."

That, he says, ties in well with the bureau's goal of not just helping families but of being one of many links in a vital community.

But aside from those benefits, the night promises to be just plain good fun, he says.

"It's really focused on celebrating together - it's a great kickoff to the Christmas season. There's going to be some really awesome entertainment, a great band playing, and a fantastic family-style turkey dinner, some great (live and silent) auction items."

The threesome singing group The Cupcake Affair will be performing during the cocktail hour and after dinner.

Auction items run the gamut from small to large, including some top-end items like a full backstage tour of the Global TV news hour, a one-night stay at the Hilton with dinner and brunch, a Celebration of Lights VIP package valued at $600, and more.

The event will be held on Nov. 24, from 5 to 9 p.m., at the Hilton Vancouver Metrotown (6083 McKay Ave.) and D'Souza says they're hoping to draw at least 200 people, if not more.

"This is something a business can do with their staff for the holidays - there's tables of eight, so they can come out, celebrate together, have a great meal and pick up some auction items and it helps a local organization," he said.

There will be a live auction, silent auction and a wine auction, and a poinsettia centerpiece raffle.

All proceeds of the event will go to the bureau's campaign.

Tickets can be purchased by calling 604-299-5778, ext. 32. For more information about the bureau, see

Other ways to help

- Financial donations: donate online at the bureau's website at; send a cheque to 204-2101 Holdom Ave., Burnaby, B.C., V5B 0A4; donate by credit card by phone at 604-299-5778; drop off a cash or cheque donation at the bureau's new temporary location at Metropolis at Metrotown, on the upper level near Winners, in Unit E8.

- Participate in the Angel Wall program: this program is a toy drive program held by schools, community groups or local businesses. The bureau provides decorative angel themed cards with the gender and age of a child written on each one, as well as posters that can be used to encourage participation. Individual participants then choose an angel, purchase a toy for the appropriate age and gender and bring the gift back to the organization for drop-off at the bureau's toy room.

- Sponsor a family: the Burnaby Christmas Bureau matches families with a group that provide them with a food hamper and gifts. These groups can include companies, religious groups, school groups, families, or individuals. The sponsor has direct contact with the family.

For more information about the bureau, including information about registration (running now until Dec. 1) see

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