We're continuing with our popular feature - our staff's Top 5 (Or More) Things To Do This Weekend. We've moved publication to our Friday editions. This week, we've got some Halloween fun, a fundraiser and several great arts events at the Shadbolt Centre.
1 Get charitable for the Burnaby Mental Wealth Society's fundraiser on Friday, Oct. 28 from 7 to 11 p.m. at the West Burnaby United Church, at 6050 Sussex Ave., across from the society's centre.
The Burnaby band Rainshadow will be playing at the event, and snacks and non-alcoholic drinks will also be available. The cost is $6 per person, with proceeds going towards a new building for the society.
2 Get spooked for the Haunted Village at the Burnaby Village Museum. The event runs on Oct. 28, 29 and 30 from 6 to 9 p.m. and some of the featured attractions include dancing at the Vampire Ball on Main Street, a Circus Sideshow, "tasty toes" at the Voodoo Café and the opportunity to make a "withdrawal" at the Blood Bank. Tickets are $14 for adults, youths and seniors, and $9 for children between two and 12.
Price includes trick-ortreating for the kids and unlimited carousel rides for all. The museum is at 6501 Deer Lake Ave. For more info, call 604-297-4565 or go to www.burn abyvillagemuseum.ca.
3 Get cultured with People & Places, presented by the Burnaby Artists' Guild, at the Shadbolt Centre for the Arts, 6540 Deer Lake Ave. on Friday, Oct. 28. Opening reception at 7: 30 p.m. Show open from 7 to 5(or Thing this w 10 p.m. Featured artist is Hazel King. Many artists will be in attendance and many demonstrations offered at this free event. For more info, call 604-291-6864 or go to www.burnaby artistsguild.com.
4 Get entertained with Gait to the Spirit, at 8 p.m. at the Shadbolt Centre for the Arts, as presented by Mandala Arts and Culture. The featured dancer is Priyadarsini Govind. The Shadbolt is located at 6450 Deer Lake Ave. For more info, go to www.shadboltcen tre.com or call the box office at 604-205-3000.
5 Get gospel with the Gospel Boys Concert, at South Burnaby United Church at 7591 Gray Ave. The event starts at 7: 30 p.m., with tickets $15 for adults, $5 for children seven to 12. The event, sponsored by As One That Serves men's club, raises money for worthy charitable causes. The Gospel Boys are all members of the Vancouver Welshmen's Choir.
Email your Top 5 ideas to calendar@ burnabynow.com or send them to alau@ burnabynow.com. You can also check out our full arts and events calendar listings on our website's homepage at www.burnabynow.com.