The new year has arrived and you know what that means – goals, diets and overfilled fitness classes. For those looking to get back in shape, the new year can often bring a headache. In the flurry of discounted memberships, new training styles and demanding contracts, it can be easy to get lost in all the noise.
However, there is one clinic that has made a reputation for focusing on the things that matter the most: health and happiness in a safe and secure space. LIVE WELL Exercise Clinic, located right here in Burnaby, is a client-focused health and fitness facility that specializes in safe, supervised exercise and healthy-lifestyle coaching for people who have or want to prevent chronic health conditions.

Specialized Training Programs and Reporting
Since opening over a year ago, LIVE WELL Exercise Clinic Burnaby has helped dozens of clients make tangible improvements to their fitness level. Dennis MacAuley first started researching exercise programs because of his desire to live a long and healthy life for his daughter.
“I wanted to get my health back on track with exercise and good eating habits,” says Dennis, LIVE WELL member. “I have a bad back and a regular gym isn't able to help with that but at LIVE WELL, they monitor everything that we do.”
With LIVE WELL’s highly trained and educated Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologists, Dennis is prescribed the right exercises in the right dosage because each program is personalized to the individuals needs and health goals.
“I just passed the six-month mark and I feel great…I have lost over 30 pounds so far and I have doubled the weights from when I started!” says Dennis.
What makes the program truly unique is that Dennis’ progress updates are reported back to his family physician. This program feature is available to all members and is a real game changer – it changes the conversation in your doctor’s office from one of health problems to one of health progress.

Finding Joy by Connecting with Others
As the LIVE WELL community in Burnaby continues to grow, many of its members have found that by supporting one another, they can benefit both in and outside the gym, which is how the member-driven LIVE WELL walking group was formed.
“By walking, you can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, reduce anxiety and promote weight loss,” says Lois Sharpe, one of LIVE WELL Burnaby’s original founding members.
In addition to accomplishing her own goals in the gym, Lois created the LIVE WELL walking group to get to know her fellow gym peers. Her kindness spawned a network of like-minded individuals happy to help and encourage one another in their pursuit of healthy living. Now, the walking group meets every Saturday at various locations throughout Burnaby. It is free to attend and everyone is welcome regardless of their fitness level.
“I value my family, friends, health and being fit,” says Lois. “I wanted to create the walking group because I have walked for exercise regularly for over 20 years and I knew others would benefit from walking as I have.”

Sense of Community
In the summer of 2020, LIVE WELL members Maxine and Mike Young will take a walking tour in Wales. The two are husband and wife and when they joined LIVE WELL in 2019, they hoped to achieve their goal of aging “gracefully together.”
After nine months into the program, Maxine had a health scare that she worried might interrupt her training regime. Thanks to LIVE WELL’s caring physiologists, Maxine was able to modify and personalize her program so she could continue to work toward her fitness goals without stressing her system.
“I've discovered that at LIVE WELL, I always leave with a smile. The care and thoughtfulness of our coaches means I can still progress, changing my plan to fit personal limitations when needed,” says Maxine.
At its core, LIVE WELL has created a community of people intent on taking control of their health and improving their quality of life so they can live to their fullest each day. Whether it is from the staff or from friendly peers, LIVE WELL is proud to boast an accepting, inviting and safe environment for anyone looking to create a healthier and happier lifestyle.