If you missed Awkward Stage Productions' successful run of Smile: The Musical at Vancouver Fringe, never fear: you have another chance to catch it.
Smile takes to the stage at the Norman Rothstein Theatre in Vancouver from Oct. 26 to 30.
The production, which was profiled in the Burnaby NOW in September, is a Broadway musical about a teenage beauty pageant, written by Marvin Hamlisch and Howard Ashman.
Awkward Stage Productions is a not-forprofit society with a mission to offer performance opportunities to youth.
The company doublecasts its musicals, with one junior cast and one senior cast, and the two casts have an opportunity to work together and learn from each other.
The junior cast includes two Burnaby teens, Brittany Gee-Moore and Julia Di Spirito, while Burnaby's Ashley Siddals is in the senior cast.
Norman Rothstein Theatre is at 950 West 41st Ave., at the Jewish Community Centre.
Tickets are $25.75 for adults, $20.75 for students and seniors, or $21.75/$15.25 for previews. They're available at www. ticketstonight.ca.
On Thursday, Oct. 27, you can bring your own puppet and get $3 cash back at the door.
For more, check out the website at www.awkward stageproductions.com.
For a feature story from Sept. 7, including a video of the cast in rehearsal, check out www.burnabynow.com. www.twitter.com/juliemaclellan