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Adrianne Merlo, Burnaby Municipal Green Party council candidate

Adrianne Merlo is running for Burnaby city council with the Burnaby Municipal Green Party: A few years ago, Adrianne's three children began asking her if global warming was going to cause the end of the world.

Adrianne Merlo is running for Burnaby city council with the Burnaby Municipal Green Party:

A few years ago, Adrianne's three children began asking her if global warming was going to cause the end of the world.

Learning that 90 million tonnes of emissions are being pumped into our biosphere every 24 hours, she decided it was time to get involved. She ran as the Green Party candidate for Burnaby/Douglas in the last provincial election, earning nearly

1,800 votes.

Adrianne has a degree in history from Simon Fraser University and her teaching certification. She is a member of the B.C. College of Teachers and co-owns a small business in Burnaby with her husband. Adrianne believes that Burnaby requires stronger environmental protection policies and needs to prepare for future growth that is ecologically sustainable.

Adrianne is concerned that outrageous housing costs and ever-increasing property taxes are the primary factors contributing to Burnaby's rising levels of poverty.