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Anne Sylva is a TEAM Burnaby school board candidate

Anne Sylva is a TEAM Burnaby school board candidate: My name is Anne Sylva, and I am a 26-year-old lifelong Burnaby resident. I attended school in Burnaby and graduated from SFU.

Anne Sylva is a TEAM Burnaby school board candidate:

My name is Anne Sylva, and I am a 26-year-old lifelong Burnaby resident. I attended school in Burnaby and graduated from SFU. I currently work as a legal assistant, but my passions in life have driven me to help and work with our youth. I taught second graders at my local church and volunteered with grade 8, 9 and 10 students at Burnaby Central. These settings allowed me to familiarize in the classroom and showed me that there is an innate desire in our children to learn. We, as adults, must encourage this desire; to show them that education and learning is fun, that it is not limited to the classroom and that it can happen all around them.

My age does not demonstrate my inexperience but rather the new, fresh perspective that I can bring to the Board of Education. My generation is less removed from the current student body, and that small generational gap will allow me to bring forth ideas and make decisions that will resonate with our youth.

Our educational system does not just affect students, parents and teachers. It is our students who will grow up into the adults that will further shape and mould the country and world we live in. Everyone has a vested interest in our educational system by virtue of this fact. It is important that we promote learning at every opportunity and meet the needs of student to ensure our well being and theirs in the years come.