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Bureau program kicks off for season

Registration opens this week for annual bureau

It's been a challenging few years for the Burnaby Christmas Bureau.

The organization helps provide toys and gifts for children in low-income families, as well as assistance for seniors, at Christmas time. Since the global economic downturn in 2008, the number of families here in Burnaby needing a little extra help has increased every year - while the number of people donating to the local organization has dropped.

The situation got so bad that, by 2010, they had to use up nearly $50,000 from their emergency reserves; last year, they managed to break even, covering all the current expenses but not adding anything back to the heavily depleted reserves.

This year, executive director Stephen D'Souza says they're hoping to do the best they can to help those in need at Christmas in spite of the uphill challenge.

"When the summer started there was a lot of (economic) optimism, but since then it seems it's been economic bad news after economic bad news globally, and that's led to a lot of uncertainty - and we're really not sure how that will affect our donors yet."

He notes that they're focusing on four key ways for the community to lend a hand this season: through financial donations, through the bureau's Angel Card program, through the seniors hamper program or through direct family sponsorships. In coming weeks, the NOW will be taking a closer look at each of those areas; keep an eye on upcoming editions, and online for stories about various fundraising events, programs, local donor profiles and information on how to donate.

Registration begins

The bureau will begin taking registration from local families tomorrow, Nov. 1, at their main temporary location in Brentwood Town Centre, and at two satellite locations.

The Brentwood centre office and toy room (located on the lower level, near the Sears mall entrance) will be open Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The satellite locations include Cameron Recreation Centre on Mondays from 9: 30 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Eastburn Community Centre (the old library) on Wednesdays from 9: 30 a.m. until 4 p.m.

Registrants will need to have a current income assistance cheque stub or two current pay cheque or EI stubs, child tax benefit information or Care Card or birth certificates for each child, and proof of residency (phone bill, tenancy agreement, etc.) Those who don't have cheque stubs can bring their 2011 T1 General and 2011 Notice of Assessment. Additional paperwork may be required for those new to Canada and those on student loans. See www.burnabycommun for full details. [email protected]