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Burnaby Central Secondary, Armstrong Elementary latest flagged for COVID-19 exposure events

Ten Burnaby schools currently on Fraser Health list
Burnaby Central Secondary and Armstrong Elementary in Burnaby.

Two Burnaby schools have been listed for new COVID-19 exposure events. 

Armstrong Elementary's latest exposure dates are Oct. 12 and 13, while Burnaby Central Secondary has been updated to include Oct. 12-14. 

As of this publication (Oct. 18), there are 10 schools currently on Fraser Health's school exposures list including: 

  • Armstrong Elementary: Oct. 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13
  • Burnaby Central Secondary: Oct. 4, 12, 13, 14
  • Cameron Elementary: Oct. 6
  • Confederation Park Elementary: Oct. 4
  • Ecole Marlborough Elementary: Oct. 7
  • Edmonds Community School: Oct. 6, 7, 8
  • Forest Grove Elementary: Oct. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
  • Maywood Community: Oct. 5, 8 
  • Taylor Park Elementary: Oct. 4
  • Twelfth Avenue Elementary: Oct. 4, 5

If a student or staff member tests positive for the virus, public health says they follow the rigorous steps outlined below. 

  • Public health will investigate to determine if there were any potential close contacts within the school
  • If it is determined that there are close contacts within the school, public health will notify the school administrators and request information to assist with contact tracing and provide guidance on what steps should be taken
  • Public health may then:
    • Recommend 14-day self-isolation if necessary
    • Recommend self-monitoring for symptoms if necessary
    • Provide follow-up recommendations if necessary
  • Schools will ensure students who are required to self-isolate are able to continue their educational program. Together, schools and public health officials will determine if any other actions are necessary
  • Parents, caregivers and families will be notified by public health if their child is determined to be a close contact of a COVID-19 positive person

Fraser Health adds if you don't receive a phone call or letter from public health, children can continue to go to school but they should also be monitored for COVID-19 symptoms daily. 

A full list of Burnaby schools with COVID-19 exposure alerts can be found on Fraser Health's website. 

BC School COVID Tracker says, according to its own data, there have been 1,721 school exposures to date with 616 schools affected.