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Burnaby foot doctor suspended after ignoring complaint investigations

Dr. Michael Choi, a Metrotown podiatrist, was the subject of two College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C. complaint investigations but failed to respond to “multiple communications and correspondence," according to a recent notice.
Burnaby podiatrist Dr. Michael Choi has been disciplined for unprofessional conduct.

A Burnaby foot doctor has been suspended for failing to respond to complaint investigations by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C.

Dr. Michael Choi, a doctor at Metrotown Podiatry Center on Kingsway, was the subject of two college complaint investigations but failed to respond to “multiple communications and correspondence” from the regulatory body, according to a public notification.

After a hearing in April, the college’s discipline committee ruled that amounted to unprofessional conduct.

“Dr. Choi’s failure to respond to the college’s communications and correspondence obstructed the College from fulfilling its mandate to serve and protect the public by investigating two complaints,” stated the notice.

Choi was reprimanded and suspended from practice for 30 days or until he provides “substantive written responses” to the two complaint investigations — whichever date is later.

He has also been fined $5,000 and order to pay $17,458.08 for the college’s hearing into the matter.

Choi was also transferred from the full podiatric surgeon class of registration to the conditional disciplined class of registration effective Sept.11.

No information was provided in the notice about the two complaints the college was investigating against Choi.

The NOW has reached out for more information and is waiting to hear back.

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