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Carrie McLaren, Burnaby Municipal Green Party council candidate

Carrie McLaren is running for Burnaby city council with the Burnaby Municipal Green Party: I live and work in Burnaby. Outside of volunteering with the Green Party, I am also on the board of directors of two Burnaby non-profit organizations.

Carrie McLaren is running for Burnaby city council with the Burnaby Municipal Green Party:

I live and work in Burnaby. Outside of volunteering with the Green Party, I am also on the board of directors of two Burnaby non-profit organizations.

While attending the British Columbia Institute of Technology many years ago, I was a volunteer with Shaw TV Channel 4, taping the Burnaby city council meetings, which is where I first learned about politics and how little attention was paid to the city level.

It's at the city level that decisions on development, property taxes, waste management, recreation and many other decisions that can affect you closest to home are made.

I'm running for council because I want to be able to open up the city to more collaboration from residents, to longer term planning, inclusive walkable neighborhoods, and transparent governance. One issue I would like to address is the lack of resources for those who are homeless or soon to be. We can work with the other levels of governments on this.

To properly represent the different voices of residents, there should be a variety of voices on council - not just one.