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City gets flood protection funds

Federal money will help city upgrade Fraser River dyke in the Big Bend Burnaby will receive up to $3.36 million from the Building Canada Fund's flood protection program to upgrade the Fraser River dyke in the Big Bend area.

Federal money will help city upgrade Fraser River dyke in the Big Bend

Burnaby will receive up to $3.36 million from the Building Canada Fund's flood protection program to upgrade the Fraser River dyke in the Big Bend area.

About seven kilometres of the city's southern border runs along the north arm of the Fraser River, with the floodplain extending from the river's edge to the south slope of Burnaby's uplands, near Marine Drive, according to a report from the city's director of engineering, Lambert Chu.

In the spring, the river can flood the lowlands along the river, including in the Big Bend area, Chu added.

The city has incorporated site flood proofing in the industrial and commercial development in the area since the 1970s, he said, and has constructed dykes to protect low lying areas, he said.

The city is putting the money towards upgrades to several reaches of Fraser River dyke in the area.

Burnaby was awarded a previous grant from the program, up to $688,677, for construction of a setback dyke between Byrne Road and Tillicum Road.

That project was completed last December, according to Chu, and the invoices have been submitted to Emergency Management B.C., which administers the program.