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CUPE workers plan to strike at SFU Nov. 1

Unionized support workers at Simon Fraser University are set to withdraw their services at the Burnaby Mountain campus in a strike from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Nov. 1.

Unionized support workers at Simon Fraser University are set to withdraw their services at the Burnaby Mountain campus in a strike from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Nov. 1.

The support workers, represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3338, include secretarial staff, clerical workers, library workers, lab technicians, information technology staff and lifeguards.

According to the union, members have been without a contract for two years, and are looking for inflation protection, job security and a wage increase of about four per cent over the next two years.

"The first thing we're looking for is for (the employer) to get back to the bargaining table so we can conclude a collective agreement," said John Bannister, a business agent for the local.

The union started escalating job action in early September, voting between Sept. 25 and 27 in favour of a strike.

On Oct. 4, about 150 members of the union set up a picket line at the Burnaby Mountain campus after job action failed to make any headway with the employer.

Five other universities saw thousands of other CUPE members strike on the same day at the University of British Columbia, the University of Victoria, Thompson Rivers University, Royal Roads University and the University of Northern British Columbia.

Settlements have been reached at UBC, UNBC and Thompson Rivers within the last month, and UVic is at the bargaining table, said Bannister.

Between SFU's three campuses, the union represents 1,200 support workers.

The university will remain open Nov. 1 but some operations and classes may be affected, according to a statement from the SFU labour information update centre.

Students can access updates by email, the SFU Facebook page, and Twitter.

For a list of classes that are cancelled Nov. 1, visit