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Deadline looms for New West, Burnaby commuters to have say on regional transit's future

TransLink is looking for input on improving its plan for the Burrard Peninsula Area, which includes New Westminster and Burnaby.
An aerial view of New Westminster looking southeast towards its city centre area.

Can public transit through New Westminster and Burnaby be improved?

TransLink's latest survey is asking that very question.

The deadline for local residents to provide input on the regional transit authority's Burrard Peninsula Area Transport Plan is Friday, Oct. 27.

According to TransLink, the plan focuses on priority infrastructure for New West, Burnaby, Vancouver, UBC and the University Endowment Lands.

As well, a release stated that active and safe streets are also top of mind, including for those for walking, cycling and micro-mobility transportation.

Every project included, TransLink said, is set to be prioritized through the network's investments over the next 15 years.

"We will also develop recommendations around the Major Road Network and regional goods-movement," the authority explained.

"This is an ambitious project.... We want to hear from you about how you travel in this area, as well as what's working and what could be improved when it comes to transportation.

"The plan is about more than just transit — we oversee planning and managing the transportation system for Metro Vancouver."

TransLink said the Burrard plan is part of its Transport 2050 goals and regional strategy, with a final draft aimed to go public in 2025.

New West and Burnaby residents are encouraged to take part in the survey until Oct. 27 by visiting TransLink's website