Federal Green Party leader Elizabeth May came to Burnaby on Wednesday evening to lend some support to the Burnaby North-Seymour Green Party candidate’s campaign.
May joined Lynne Quarmby and a dozen volunteers and supporters rallying at the intersection of Willingdon Avenue and Hastings Street during rush hour on Sept. 30.
“We’re really excited this afternoon, we’re out here waiting for Elizabeth May to arrive. We’re super excited about that,” Quarmby said. “It’s just a great boost in visibility, and it’s kind of a boost for the volunteers who have been working so hard for so long.”
Quarmby has about 200 volunteers working on her campaign, she said.
May was also accompanying Quarmby to a town hall meeting at Alpha Secondary School at 7 p.m., with a focus on questions from the community.
“One of the hallmarks of the Green Party is we listen and we communicate,” Quarmby said of the event. “So we’ll have two hours of Q&A down at Alpha Secondary.”