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Lee Rankin, TEAM Burnaby council candidate

Lee Rankin is running for Burnaby city council with TEAM Burnaby: I have lived in Burnaby for the past 35 years. I have served 22 years on Burnaby council, first elected in 1983, and re-elected in 1985, 1987, 1990, 1993, 1996, 2002 and 2005.

Lee Rankin is running for Burnaby city council with TEAM Burnaby:

I have lived in Burnaby for the past 35 years. I have served 22 years on

Burnaby council, first elected in 1983, and re-elected in 1985, 1987, 1990, 1993, 1996, 2002 and 2005. I am a practising lawyer. I hold a bachelor of arts with honours from Simon Fraser University and a bachelor of laws from the University of British Columbia. My wife, Ragini, is an urban planner and our son, Henry, attends Gilpin Elementary School. I am a volunteer soccer and softball coach.

I have chaired most city committees including finance, environment and

Housing, and I have served as a Metro Vancouver director and chaired the region's finance committee. I worked hard to negotiate the transfer of 800 acres of parkland from SFU to the city and the creation of UniverCity. I help negotiate a city/board of education land exchange that led to the creation of the Edmonds Resource Centre and a site for a future North Burnaby community centre.

I am an avid environmentalist and I will work for strong wildlife and nature preservation policies for Burnaby Lake and Deer Lake. I introduced the resolution that saw Burnaby become the first community to proclaim Rivers Day in B.C.

I have worked hard to create seniors, low-income and special needs housing and will work constructively to address the homelessness problem in Burnaby.

I believe Burnaby must work constructively with senior and regional government to address housing, transportation, environmental and financial issues. I have 22 years of experience working on behalf of all Burnaby residents.

I will be a strong, experienced voice for Burnaby residents at city hall.