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Letter: Emissions cap needed for the sake of our Burnaby neighbours

This letter writer believes oil and gas corporations need "to do their fair share" to mitigate climate change.
Burnaby reached temperatures around 35°C during the 2021 heat dome.

The Editor:

It was just three years ago when the heat dome blanketed Burnaby, driving temperatures to the high 30s.

I remember checking in on elderly relatives, wearing N95 masks and limiting exercise outdoors because of the wildfire smoke covering our skies and turning them yellow grey.

And, of course, 600 of our neighbours across Metro Vancouver lost their lives due to the heatwave.

Scientists have found that climate change is creating the conditions for intensifying wildfire seasons and heatwaves — and that the world's 88 major oil and gas producers are directly linked to the worsening wildfires across Canada.

We need an ambitious emissions cap now, without delay, so that we're reducing climate pollution.

We need the oil and gas sector to do their fair share to reduce climate pollution, otherwise these wildfire seasons will become regular seasons each year.

- Monica Tang, Burnaby