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Notes from city hall

SMART METERS RAISE CONCERNS There is an issue with smart meters that not many people are aware of - the loss of meter readers' jobs, according to Gwenne Farrell, vice-president of COPE 378.


There is an issue with smart meters that not many people are aware of - the loss of meter readers' jobs, according to Gwenne Farrell, vice-president of COPE 378.

Farrell spoke to Burnaby council about the losses at Monday night's city council meeting.

The union represents workers in the utility industry, as well as those in tourism and travel.

Burnaby Mayor Derek Corrigan said that while he was aware of some of the issues with smart meters, particularly the cost of replacing the current metering system, he had not realized it would mean the loss of so many positions.

The union estimates that nearly 400 jobs will be lost, and only a few of those employees have been reassigned thus far, Farrell said.

Coun. Paul McDonell also voiced his concerns about the safety of the meters, as they have a radio signal strong enough to go through concrete walls and monitor electricity usage.

The mayor thanked Farrell for informing council about the job losses.


The Burnaby Hospital Foundation will be holding its annual golf tournament with a little help from the city.

Burnaby council approved an in-kind grant for the foundation, a green fee waiver, at Monday night's council meeting.

The foundation has received the waiver annually; last year the value of the waiver was listed as $8,870.40.

The event takes place on June 21 at the Riverway Golf Course.

Citizen Support Services also received a waiver, this one for rental fees, for its annual volunteer appreciation event, taking place at the Shadbolt Centre of the Arts on May 8.

And the Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of B.C. was awarded a grant of $4,000 for 2012.

At the Jan. 16 council meeting, council approved five grants, including one Festivals Burnaby grant.

The city gave the Burnaby Community Connections recreation credit program $6,990 for the last quarter of 2011.

Another grant was given to Burnaby Community Connections, as well - $5,000 for the Burnaby Christmas Bureau for the 2011 season.

The Wildlife Rescue Association of B.C. was awarded a grant of $5,000 for 2011.

Moscrop Panthers Seniors Boys Volleyball Team was granted $1,000 to compete in the B.C. High School Provincial Volleyball Championships last Nov. 30 to Dec. 2 in Kelowna.

And Buckingham Elementary School was awarded a $3,000 Festivals Burnaby grant for its 50th anniversary celebrations.

The event is scheduled for next September.