Burnaby youth cadets and local dignitaries participated in a ceremony that took place today, Nov. 3, at Forest Lawn Memorial Park (3789 Royal Oak Ave.)
Hosted by St. John Ambulance, participants laid poppies at the tombstones of veterans as part of the pre-Remembrance Day event.
St. John Ambulance hosted the annual No Stone Left Alone service at the Last Post Fund Memorial.Bugler Sgt. Elven Zhang.Edmund Wu, Hong Kong Veterans Commemorative Association.Marion MacKenzie, retired dame of the Order of St. John, lays a wreath with senior St. John Ambulance officers.Ted Hawthorne, Regimental Secretary, Commanding Officer’s Committee, The BC Regiment (DCO).Youth cadetJunwen Liang places a poppy.Piper Caroline Ng leads the contingent to WW2 SJA veteran, Dr. Po Tin Chak’s grave.
The contingent walks to WW2 SJA veteran, Dr. Po Tin Chak’s grave.
Provincial Chaplain Nahum Ip, St. John Ambulance BC/Yukon places a poppy on the grave of WW2 SJA veteran, Dr. Po Tin Chak.