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Rennie Maierle, TEAM Burnaby school board candidate

Rennie Maierle is a TEAM Burnaby school board candidate: My family and I have been residents of Burnaby for 25 years. Each of my children attended Burnaby elementary and secondary schools.

Rennie Maierle is a TEAM Burnaby school board candidate:

My family and I have been residents of Burnaby for 25 years. Each of my children attended Burnaby elementary and secondary schools. I'm 61 and retired, but I worked in Burnaby as a teacher and administrator at the elementary, secondary, and district levels for 34 years. I have firsthand knowledge that Burnaby schools have great teachers, administrators, and support staff. There is always room for improvement. I believe that we must put the needs of each learner first, support our teachers, welcome parents as genuine partners and make decisions in an open and transparent manner.

Some things to consider: How can we be more effective at ensuring that all children become readers during the primary years? Are we using the most current research assessments and teaching strategies? Can we find efficiencies in our current funding to support students and teachers? Do we know if collaboration days at the secondary level are having a direct impact on improving student learning? Could genuine parent involvement include having a say in their child's classroom placement? Do we provide a significant range of viable alternatives for students who don't wish to go to university? Does the current "single slate"

board of education make decisions in the best interests of students and parents? Is the current board beholden to any group that might significantly impact their decision making? Does an uncontested single slate board need to listen to its constituents?