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Resident says his privacy threatened by tall homes

A North Burnaby homeowner says the rustic character of his neighbourhood - and his privacy -is threatened by the development of three-storey homes.

A North Burnaby homeowner says the rustic character of his neighbourhood - and his privacy -is threatened by the development of three-storey homes.

For more than 25 years Charnjit Singh Bal has called Burnaby home, but says he's no longer happy with the taller house developments that have been popping up in the area for the last 10 years.

"It is an assault on the privacy and property values of residents of older single or two-storey houses, and the rustic character of suburban Burnaby," Bal said in an email interview with the Burnaby NOW.

A three-storey house currently under construction next to Bal's home is what sparked the North Burnaby resident to voice his concern.

Although he has no plans to leave the area, he said he wants the city to "amend planning and building bylaws to strike a balance between the neighbourhood's rustic character and its residents' values and priorities, and new development through consultations.

Bal said he has been in contact with the city, and was informed about its stringent planning and building guidelines.

Burnaby Coun. Sav Dhaliwal said he spoke to Bal on the phone about his concern with the new house being developed, with windows on the second floor, facing Bal's yard.

"I understand his concern, but the city bylaws do allow windows and doors on the side walls," Dhaliwal said. "The building code/bylaws do regulate the total square footage of allowable openings on the side walls."

The councillor also said complaints such as Bal's are rare, and if it were a common issue in the community the bylaw would go under review.

"The staff is very careful in making sure that all plans conform to the bylaws," he added.

According to the city's planning and building department, the residential district zoning bylaw outlines the size, height, setbacks, uses permitted and development density of residential properties.

The bylaw states that the principal building's height may range from two to 2.5 storeys, which depends on the zone and a sloping or flat roof.

Residents interested in a specific property can access the city's webmap at

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