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SFU's Student Entrepreneur of the Year competition this weekend

The fourth annual Simon Fraser University Student Entrepreneur of the Year will be announced on Saturday, Nov. 19, according to a press release from SIFE Simon Fraser.

The fourth annual Simon Fraser University Student Entrepreneur of the Year will be announced on Saturday, Nov. 19, according to a press release from SIFE Simon Fraser.

Students in Free Enterprise, or SIFE, is an international non-profit organization that gives post-secondary business students the opportunity to help their communities with their skills.

The Student Entrepreneur of the Year competition takes place at the Renaissance Vancouver Harbourside Hotel from 1 to 5 p.m. this Saturday, and is free to the public.

The networking reception and awards ceremony takes place following the competition, from 6 to 10 p.m.

Early bird tickets for the reception are $25, or $30 on Nov 19.

Keynote speakers include George Moen, president of Blenz Coffee, according to the release.

For tickets and information go to