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The personal and political: In their own words


Question: Who are you?

Answer: My name is Rick McGowan. I am the Green party candidate for Burnaby Deer Lake.

Q: How long have you lived in Burnaby?

A: I've lived in Burnaby since 1988, with some time I've spent down in the West End, and back to Burnaby in 2000 because it's closer to my work.

Q: Why do you think you are uniquely qualified to represent the riding?

A: I've lived there a long time. I don't know if I'm uniquely qualified, but I think we need a Green presence, and I want to build up the reputation and the confidence in people about the party - that we are not just a one-trick pony.

Q: What would be your own personal priority as MLA?

A: My own personal priority would be to represent the people of Burnaby rather than the party per se.

The Green party does not have a whip system, so if there's a disagreement between the government and the local economy, the local issues, then the Green party representative has the ability to speak for the constituents and the policies are viewed through the lens of the Green principles.

To be in the community and to make sure that Burnaby develops in a sustainable way with a diversified local economy, and everybody, all 225,000 people, get represented.

Q: What accomplishment in your life are you most proud of?

A: I think to date, my children. They're quite wonderful, and I am very proud of what they are able to do. That's probably my biggest accomplishment.

Q: Who in your life has been a role model for you?

A: My parents. My father he did a lot for his community - never belonged to a political party or anything like that.

We're from a small town. He was very active in the community and did his best to make it a better place. And also my mom did the same thing through her church work.

They knew everybody and they helped build a strong, small community, and I think, even though Burnaby's a city, that it has the opportunity to be a community where people know each other and you run into people you know and people are friendly to each other and don't avoid each other.