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Things to do in Burnaby this weekend: June 8-11

From dance showcases to environmental activities, a drag brunch and more, there’s lots of fun coming our way.
The Rec Room at the Amazing Brentwood will host a drag brunch on Sunday, June 11. Photo Eric Marion Williams / iStock/ Getty Images Plus

With summer heading our way fast, there’s plenty of things to do in Burnaby this weekend. Here are some of our picks this weekend.

Shadbolt Celebrates

Shadbolt Centre for the Arts is celebrating its adult students with a showcase — dance performances, visual and ceramic art exhibitions and demonstrations, as well as live music — on Thursday, June 8, from 7:15 to 9:30 p.m.. The dance performances are slated to be on the JCT stage, while guests can view the visual and ceramic art exhibitions in the atrium, galleria cases, centre aisle gallery and Encores Cafe. Studio 103 will host the demonstrations and life drawing as well as a reception with live music and refreshments.

When: Thursday, June 8; 7:15 to 9:30 p.m.

Where: Shadbolt Centre for the Arts (6450 Deer Lake Ave.)

For tickets and prices, contact the Box Office at (604) 205-3000 or email

Ecosystem restoration event at Cariboo Heights Forest

Happy Environment week, Burnaby. On Saturday, June 10, the city, along with Lower Mainland Green Team and the Cariboo Heights Forest Preservation Society, is bringing a special “ecosystem restoration” event from 9:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. for you to roll up your sleeves and join them for an invasive species plant removal. With only limited spaces available, organizers advise registering early.

If you’re looking to get your hands green, there are other multiple environment friendly activities hosted this week to celebrate Burnaby environment week.

When: Saturday, June 10; 9:45 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Where: Cariboo Heights Forest (9192 Klenner Dr.)

Cost: Free; register here.

Eco-Centre open house

Yet another fun free green event awaits this weekend; an open house will be hosted by Burnaby Eco-Centre, which will help community members learn about reducing waste in a fun, engaging way. The free open house will feature live music, and delve into 20-plus different recycling categories,and how you can reduce waste and contribute to a greener Burnaby.

A free bag of compost will also be available to Burnaby residents on a first-come, first served-basis (maximum two per household). The centre is also offering a chance to meet its staff falcon.

When: Saturday, June 10, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Where: Eco-Centre (4855 Still Creek Drive)

Cost: Free

Portugal Day Weekend

Celebrate the Portuguese community with live music and culinary fare by attending the Portugal Day Weekend on Saturday, June 10, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday, June 11, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Revel in some cultural dances from Portuguese, savour delicacies like sardinhas assadas (Grilled sardines), frango no churrasco (Flame grilled chicken), bifanas (Pork steak sandwich), jaquinzinhos fritos (Deep fried baby horse mackerel), natas (Portuguese custard tarts), filhós (Portuguese fitters) and batata frita (Fries) at the free event held at the Portugal Cultural Centre (5455 Imperial St, Burnaby). Visit website for more information.

When: Saturday, June 10; 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday, June 11; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Where: Portugal Cultural Centre (5455 Imperial St, Burnaby)

Cost: Free

Drag brunch at the Rec Room

Happy Pride, Burnaby. It’s time to bring two of Burnaby’s most beloved things together yet again — brunch and drag at the weekend Drag Brunch at The Rec Room on Sunday, June 11. Hosted as usual by The Established, Shanda Leer, the drag brunch will feature some of B.C.’s finest drag talents, including the creative mind of ABB ‘ORIGINAL this weekend. The organizers note that this is going to be “a brunch for the books.”

Tickets are priced at $20 (excludes brunch). Visit The Rec Room Burnaby’s website for more details.

When: Sunday, June 11; 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Where: The Rec Room at the Amazing Brentwood

Cost: $20; visit website for tickets