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Traditional lion dance celebrations to ring in Year of the Snake in New West, Burnaby

Lion dance ceremonies are being held at Starlight Casino in New West and Grand Villa Casino in Burnaby.
Gateway Casinos and Entertainment Limited is hosting lion dance ceremonies in Burnaby and New Westminster on Feb. 1.

Two Lunar New Year events in Burnaby and New Westminster on Feb. 1 will showcase Chinese tradition and recognize the Year of the Snake.

Gateway Casinos and Entertainment Limited is hosting events at Starlight Casino in New West and the Grand Villa Casino in Burnaby, both containing the traditional lion dance ceremony. 

Tony Chan, who has long taught the lion dance in B.C., told Glacier Media the dance is a traditional performance that's often seen during festivals, celebrations, important events and especially during the Lunar New Year. 

"[Lion dance] is rich in symbolism and cultural significance. Some key symbolic meanings of the lion dance are prosperity, strength, power, the warding off of evil spirits and renewal," he said. 

"The lion dance is a powerful cultural symbol that embodies good luck, protection, strength, and community spirit, making it an integral part of Chinese celebrations and traditions," he said.

Chan said the dance is believed to bring good luck as well as drive away evil spirits, which is why the ceremony is largely performed at business openings, weddings and other key events. 

The dance is typically performed by two dancers, with one taking the head and front legs and the second taking the rear legs and tails. 

Lion movements are mimicked, which can include jumping, shaking, rolling and scratching.

The dancers have to be able to move in unison to create an illusion of a single animal.  

"The lion is regarded as a symbol of power, wisdom, and good fortune in Chinese culture," Chan explained. 

"It is a tradition that has been passed down through generations, often within families or martial arts schools, and is a way of preserving and honouring cultural identity. It is a vibrant and dynamic expression of cultural pride and communal harmony," he said.

The lion dance ceremony will take place from 10:50 to 11:30 a.m. in Burnaby and 2:50 to 3:30 p.m. in New Westminster.