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Trust fund set up to help family

SUCCESS, a local social service agency, is setting up a trust account to collect donations to help the family of Huong (Andy) Tran, the Royal Oak Sushi House owner who was killed two weeks ago.

SUCCESS, a local social service agency, is setting up a trust account to collect donations to help the family of Huong (Andy) Tran, the Royal Oak Sushi House owner who was killed two weeks ago.

Tran and Chinh (Vivian) Diem Huynh were shot and killed on May 27. Police are alleging that Angus David Mitchell, 26, is the killer and the restaurant, along with Huynh, were the first targets on his extensive hit list.

Tran had a young family, including a wife and two kids. SUCCESS held a Monday afternoon press conference to announce its plans to set up the trust fund.

"We establish this trust fund to provide a way for the community to support this family," Thomas Tam, chief executive officer of SUCCESS said in a press release. "The funds collected will be used to help the children's living and education expenses."

People wishing to support the fam-ily may donate to this trust account: "SUCCESS Foundation in Trust - Yuzhe Zhong".

The account number is 00497205240599 and the transit number is 9720. Donations can be made at any TD Bank and other financial institutions.

Donations will also be accepted at the SUCCESS service centres in Burnaby, Vancouver, Richmond, TriCities and Surrey from June 11 to 22.

For more information, go to www.