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Where should Burnaby install public electric vehicle chargers? City wants your opinion

Have your say: What are your thoughts on public EV charging?
Burnaby wants public feedback on electric vehicle charging.

As electric vehicles become increasingly common around Burnaby, the city says it’s time to create a public EV charging strategy – and now it wants public feedback.

Would you prefer to see public EV chargers at a library parking lot or at a grocery store? At a retail parking lot or at a gas station?

What would make you more likely to get an EV?

The city is collecting public input around those questions and more to understand transportation preferences, current EV use, future EV interest and public EV charging opportunities through an online survey.

The city says providing public EV charging “provides an important service to support EV adoption across the community.”

“While the preference is to charge the EV at home, not all residents can access or install the necessary charging infrastructure at home,” according to the city’s project website.

“Many residents may need to recharge their EV battery when traveling about the city.”

The survey will be open until Sunday, Aug. 25.

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