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Workout partner can offer extra motivation

We all make excuses to avoid the gym, especially in the early stages of getting fit. The snooze button seems awfully tempting at 6 a.m., and the couch and reality television are equally appealing after a long day at the office.

We all make excuses to avoid the gym, especially in the early stages of getting fit.

The snooze button seems awfully tempting at 6 a.m., and the couch and reality television are equally appealing after a long day at the office.

It takes effort to make working out become a regular part of your everyday life, and it can be hard to stay motivated. Finding a workout partner is a great way to help you stay on track because it's harder to cancel on someone else than it is to disappoint only yourself.

A workout partner can be anyone, but it's especially beneficial if they are working towards a similar goal.

If you and your spouse both want to lose 20 pounds, or even just want to commit to a healthier lifestyle, they'll make a great partner. If you have a regular coffee date with a friend who is also interested in upping their activity level, try making it a gym date instead.

Working out is a great way to spend time with someone, as long as you remember to stay focused on exercising instead of chatting by the water fountain.

Having a workout partner can be like having a personal trainer. They can help you get the most out of your workout by acting as a "spotter," and making sure you perform your repetitions safely and with full effort. Your partner will soon get to know your good and bad habits and recognize when you are not pushing yourself to your normal limits.

When you are increasing your repetitions and a bit unsure of your ability, a spotter will also help you finish safely by stepping in if you can't continue.

They'll motivate you to finish the set and push you a little bit harder than you would push yourself.

Of course, the relationship should be mutual. If your partner provides you with good motivation and support, you need to do the same.

You must also be respectful of your workout partner. Be sure that you are always punctual for your workouts, and if you can not make an appointment, give your partner 24 hours' notice as you would any other professional.

Shaun Karp is a certified personal trainer. For further information, call his office at 604-420-7800 or visit www.