Four Burnaby teachers are among 30 B.C. educators named as finalists in this year’s Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Education.
The awards were launched last year to recognize the contributions of public, independent and First Nations school system teachers, principals, vice-principals, school and district leaders, and support staff who go above and beyond to make life better for kindergarten to Grade 12 students in B.C.
This year, 10 awards will be handed out, with six honouring teachers, two recognizing school and district leaders and two honouring support staff members.

Burnaby South Secondary teacher Sabha Ghani and École Brantford Elementary teacher Scott Stefanek will vie for the Extracurricular Leadership Award
Chaffey-Burke Elementary teacher Bryan Gidinsky is up for the Social Equity and Diversity Award, and École Alpha Secondary youth support worker Wendel Williams was named for Outstanding Support – School Community.
During the nomination period, from Jan. 7 to April 30, 140 nominations were received provincewide.

“These awards give us an opportunity to hear amazing stories of the innovation and dedication being shown by our province’s finest educators,” Education Minister Rob Fleming said in a press release. “Their efforts make schools inclusive, thought-provoking and enjoyable places where B.C. students can thrive.”
The winners will be announced at an awards ceremony at Government House in Victoria on Oct. 4 – the day before World Teachers’ Day.
Winners will receive a $3,000 personal bursary for professional learning, a $2,000 contribution to their school community for professional learning and a commemorative work of art.
Runners-up will receive a certificate of recognition signed by the Premier and Minister of Education.