Hi Five Chicken has finished setting up shop at a new location at Hastings and Warwick, just east of Holdom in North Burnaby.
The location is just 60 seconds from my old high school and I weep that I didn’t have access to this.
But I do now.
I dropped by there the other day and the place was doing a bustling business.
I don’t know if I’ll ever need to have chicken at 3 a.m., but I’m glad it’s there in case I do.
It can’t be easy to open a business during a health crisis, but it’s in a good location. And there isn’t anything else like it in this corner of North Burnaby.

Hi Five Chicken is currently also located in southeast Burnaby on 10th Avenue and these eateries are open 24 hours a day.
The menu offers sandwiches, salads and wraps, but chicken, of course, is its calling card, with organic and spicy options. And just look at this photo of their grilled cheese sandwich.
That looks insane.
You don’t have to go fried with the baked options, but I can’t imagine turning down the chance for fried chicken.
It’s just too good.
Follow Chris Campbell on Twitter @shinebox44.