Dear Editor: Many letters have been written on whether or not certain breed of dogs should be on a leash when taken in public places.
Though I personally believe that certain breeds are without a doubt more dangerous then others, I have to agree with some of the writers that singling out one particular breed may be discriminatory. I agree with the fact that in some cases, the owners are more responsible for the dogs' behaviour than the dogs themselves.
That said, however, I also believe that we are totally getting away from the real issue.
Pit bulls, German shepherds, Labs, huskies and, for the sake of an argument, poodles! Yes, statistics show that potentially they can all bite, and that should be the focus of the issue. Which of those breeds has the highest record in biting shouldn't play a part when it comes to make a decision on the leash issue. If there was only one biting incident with any of them, it would be one too many. We should not wait for tragedies to strike. The solution? If you take your dog out of your well-fenced yard, then you must put a leash on it. If you don't, then you should be heavily fined. It's just that simple.
Bottom line? Be a responsible owner, be respectful to others, use the leash, and shorten the leash to no more than two feet when nearing people.
Frank Di Cesare