Dear Editor:
You must be kidding! Burnaby Mayor and council want to put taxpayer bucks up to have a SkyTrain station at Cameron and North Road?
I am 60 years old and I can walk from that intersection to the Lougheed station in nine to 12 minutes. Do we really need to build another multi-million dollar station at Cameron? We keep getting preached to about fitness and how we need to get fit to lower our health-care expenses, so please let's take the 10 minute walk from that area and go to the Lougheed station and save the mega millions down the road for a more worthwhile and needy project.
With all the planned development for the area one will be able to probably cruise through the mall and stay under cover when all is complete. Please don't waste taxpayer dollars on this station - let your feet do the walking!
Curtis Evans, Burnaby