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B.C. should follow Burnaby's lead

Dear Editor: Congratulations, Burnaby, for putting the health of your community and successive generations first (City files civil claim to stop Kinder Morgan, Sept. 10).

Dear Editor:

Congratulations, Burnaby, for putting the health of your community and successive generations first (City files civil claim to stop Kinder Morgan, Sept. 10).

The environment, and particularly sensitive areas, should be protected forever and not subject to the whim of private corporations who see them as nothing but obstacles to profit.

Most British Columbians do not want our parks, our legacies, to be sliced and diced for the export of tarsands oil.

Burnaby's legal challenge should also be a wakeup call to the province as well. It's time for the B.C. government to repeal their recent Park Amendment Act, which provides government with the statutory authority to issue permits for industrial research in protected areas, and the park boundary adjustment policy, which allows government to carve up parks to suit corporate desires and pipeline aspirations.

Bruce Passmore, executive director, B.C. chapter, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society