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Be cautious on roads

Dear Editor: I am writing on behalf of Burnaby school crossing guards. We are a breed akin to postal workers and paper carriers in that we are on the job in the heat, the cold, the rain, the snow, the wind, etc.

Dear Editor:

I am writing on behalf of Burnaby school crossing guards. We are a breed akin to postal workers and paper carriers in that we are on the job in the heat, the cold, the rain, the snow, the wind, etc.

We are out there twice a day everyday for one reason - to protect and ensure the safety of pedestrians crossing the street.

I am hoping to address drivers, particularly those who drive in or near school zones.

Please obey all traffic lights and signs. The advance warning sign, flashing yellow lights asking that you prepare to slow down means just that - slow down and stop - not "boot" it and fly through the amber, sometimes red, light.

If you are approaching a red light and an occupied crosswalk, legally you must stop and then proceed only when it is safe to do so. This holds true even if you are turning right. Please do not pass through an occupied crosswalk until the crossing guard gives you an "all clear".

You may think it is safe to do so but children are unpredictable. The crossing guard is probably the best judge of when it is safe for you to drive on. Most crosswalk signals are active for 30 seconds or less. Is it really worth rushing through when you could be endangering someone's life? Children are our future, let's treasure that.

Anita Loy, Burnaby