I see people talking on social media about dumping in the City of Burnaby in terms of it being an “eyesore” or “unfortunate” to see.
Sure, I hate looking at people’s garbage dumped all over my community, but it’s much more than that.
If you don’t care about how it looks, think about how much it costs the city government to clean this crap up.
According to the city, it has spent $113,000 to date in 2019 on cleanup of illegal dumping.
“This represents the cost of collecting items that were dumped illegally/without notice,” said the city.
Sure, maybe it’s a drop in the bucket compared to a huge annual budget, but it’s still money that could be spent elsewhere and staff resources that could be doing other things.
It all adds up.
And all because too many people in Burnaby don’t have a conscience and are too lazy to dispose of their items themselves.
The City of Burnaby aims to curb illegal dumping through its residential curbside program. Burnaby residents can call the city at (604-294-7972) and arrange for pick-up of bulky items and appliances. These include items like mattresses, old fridges and stoves.
People can find more information on the residential curbside program at: https://www.burnaby.ca/City-Services/Garbage---Recycling/Large-Item---Appliance-Pick-Up.html
Come on people, I'm starting to lose faith.
Follow Chris Campbell on Twitter @shinebox44.