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Burnaby has ruined it for longtime residents

Dear Editor: Re: Burnaby's wake-up call, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, Oct. 24. Vic Blancard has issued a wake-up call to the people of Burnaby who are bullied and threatened by loss of view and high property taxes.

Dear Editor:

Re: Burnaby's wake-up call, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, Oct. 24.

Vic Blancard has issued a wake-up call to the people of Burnaby who are bullied and threatened by loss of view and high property taxes.

It all arises from the same old problem of high-density housing. Remember when Central Park was the only forest in South Burnaby? Now it's a forest of apartment towers.

Everyone who wants to stay in their own one- or two-storey single detached home is now a potential victim of the monetary greed of developers, real estate agents and our city council. They do no good for anyone who wishes to raise a family in this community and to contribute to its success.

Blame the aforementioned the next time you're stuck in traffic, going nowhere. Blame them for big increases in garbage generated, electricity used and increased smog.

Never should we let a government messenger lay a guilt trip on us about making smaller footprints. You can make as small a footprint as you like. That just gives the aforementioned a little more space to add more small footprints, which all add up to one big one.

A failure on the part of Vic Blancard is a failure for us all, for everyone who wants to live in a single detached home with a family and maybe a view of the mountains.

Vic said this Monday would be his last time at a council meeting. But I'm betting he'll be back so long as he can still get there.  

Jim Ervin, Burnaby