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Burnaby MP calls for independent science watchdog

This press release came in from the NDP this morning, outlining how Burnaby-Douglas MP Kennedy Stewart is calling for an independent science watchdog.

This press release came in from the NDP this morning, outlining how Burnaby-Douglas MP Kennedy Stewart is calling for an independent science watchdog. These private members bills rarely become law, but they serve as advice to government from the Opposition. As the science and technology critic, Stewart brought up a related motion in September. Click here for our story.



NOVEMBER 21, 2013




Bill announced today would establish a new Parliamentary Science Officer


TORONTO ­– Opposition Science & Technology Critic Kennedy Stewart announced today a new bill that would give public science a stronger voice in the federal government. MP Stewart’s proposal calls for the creation of an independent Parliamentary Science Officer tasked with providing Parliament with sound information and expert advice on scientific issues. Dr. Stewart made the announcement while speaking to the annual Canadian Science Policy Conference.


“This bill represents the strongest effort yet to protect the pursuit and use of scientific research in the federal government. It goes beyond what we had in the past and charts a bold vision for where we need to go,” said MP Kennedy Stewart (Burnaby-Douglas), an Associate Professor on leave from Simon Fraser University’s School of Public Policy. “After years of muzzling, mismanagement, and misuse of science by the Conservative government, this new office will promote real transparency and ensure decisions made in Ottawa are based on the best available scientific evidence.”


Modeled on the current Parliamentary Budget Officer, the UK’s Parliamentary Office of Science & Technology, and the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy, the Parliamentary Science Officer would be established as an independent agent of Parliament. It would have a legislated mandate to:

-       Assess the state of scientific evidence relevant to any proposal or bill before Parliament;

-       Answer requests from Committees and individual Members for unbiased scientific information;

-       Conduct independent analysis of federal science and technology policy;

-       Raise awareness of scientific issues across government and among Canadians;

-       Encourage coordination between departments and agencies conducting scientific research.


“Beginning with the closure of the National Science Advisor to the Prime Minister, the Conservatives have used every tool at their disposal to prevent, limit, and restrict Canadian scientists from sharing their research with policy-makers and the public,” said MP Laurin Liu (Rivière-des-Mille-Îles), Deputy Critic for Science and Technology. “Being independent from the government and responsible for serving the needs of the legislature, a Parliamentary Science Officer would revitalize scientific integrity in Ottawa.”


Dr. Stewart will table the Parliamentary Science Officer Act in the House of Commons next week.