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Burnaby needs a change of scenery at city hall

Dear Editor: Re: Just get us some sidewalks already, Burnaby NOW, Opinion, Oct. 24. Burnaby is more than one hundred years old or more than one year old? I hope every candidate for the coming election knows the answer.

Dear Editor:

Re: Just get us some sidewalks already, Burnaby NOW, Opinion, Oct. 24.

Burnaby is more than one hundred years old or more than one year old? I hope every candidate for the coming election knows the answer.

Burnaby is in the central location of Greater Vancouver with beautiful Deer Lake and Burnaby Lake, but looks like an undeveloped rural county. It is so bad that lots of neighborhoods still have no sidewalks.

According to city hall, property owners should pay for the necessary infrastructure. But the problem is some property owners don't have extra money; some don't care because they don't live there.

So city hall has an excuse to ignore the infrastructure. My question is, why can't city hall use property tax to build sidewalks?

Yes, it is shameful that Burnaby is a city known for its vast financial reserves and yet distinctive lack of sidewalks. I agree that if Mayor Corrigan and his BCA continue to be unwilling to do so, then it's time to elect someone who actually will.

We just want to make Burnaby a better place to live.

Irene Shi, Burnaby