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Can this all be an elaborate ruse by city MLA?

What happens after a politician has shot himself in both feet numerous times? Burnaby MLA Harry Bloy's latest public mishap - for want of a better term - happened this week when he launched into an attack on Adrian Dix in the legislature.

What happens after a politician has shot himself in both feet numerous times?

Burnaby MLA Harry Bloy's latest public mishap - for want of a better term - happened this week when he launched into an attack on Adrian Dix in the legislature. Bloy called Dix a liar and a thief and somehow managed to drag Dix's wife and Svend Robinson into the mix. Now, to be clear, we think party leaders are fair game for criticism - even harsh jabs to the figurative ribs. And the NDP's Dix has already admitted that he falsified a document during his boss Glen Clark's reign.

So, it's not as if Bloy didn't have some dirt he could drag out again - albeit old dirt. But instead, like a punch-drunk failed boxer, he started swinging and, as usual, ended up hitting himself. Of course, he had to withdraw the remarks and, eventually, apologized.

This follows Bloy's "misjudgment" revealed last month for handing over a journalist's email to a private company the newspaper was investigating. That ended with Bloy resigning his multiculturalism post. And that incident followed Bloy's resignation as minister of social development after it became abundantly clear that he couldn't handle the spotlight or responsibilities of a large, and controversial, department.

He has already resigned two cabinet posts - and he has already said he doesn't intend on running again. So, what is he doing? One has to wonder if this isn't a final "killdeer" political ploy to keep the media away from Christy Clark.

Bloy does something stupid flapping his wings - or mouth - and the media chases him like a pack of barking-mad beagles as Clark slips out a back door? Yes, we know it's a far-fetched theory - but we haven't heard any rational explanations for why Bloy just keeps shooting himself in the feet and then reloading for another painful episode.

It would be rather humorous if it wasn't subsidized by taxpayers.