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Condo owners feel powerless

Dear Editor: Where can condo owners in British Columbia go for help - other than the Supreme Court (with a waiting time of approximately one year) - when the strata council and the property management company don't respond to owners' concerns and que

Dear Editor:

Where can condo owners in British Columbia go for help - other than the Supreme Court (with a waiting time of approximately one year) - when the strata council and the property management company don't respond to owners' concerns and questions, or even acknowledge receipt of their emails and/or correspondence?

What can condo owners do when the strata council doesn't respond to, or acknowledge, owners' requests for copies of strata corporation documents, to which they are entitled according to the Strata Property Act - documents such as the annual audit, the caretaker's contract (since he is paid by the owners' maintenance fees), and other contracts and building documentation?

A condo is an owner's home - who represents condo owners' rights?

Even when a condo owner sends a letter to the strata council via a lawyer, the council is not obliged to reply, and can ignore the letter.

So far, it doesn't seem like condo owners have any authoritative office to turn to, for assistance with their own matters.

We would like to challenge condo owners to reply to this article, and to let us condo owners know how they solve/resolve their condo issues, if any.

After all, it is about our "home, sweet home."

Janet and Gunter Marx, Burnaby