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Contract costs frustrating

Dear Editor: I think the recent frustration the Burnaby Citizens Association council feels toward the new RCMP contract is akin to the way many taxpayers feel when they discover that another sweet deal made by the city will ultimately mean higher tax

Dear Editor:

I think the recent frustration the Burnaby Citizens Association council feels toward the new RCMP contract is akin to the way many taxpayers feel when they discover that another sweet deal made by the city will ultimately mean higher taxes.

I'm sure council must feel the way I did when I learned the city has decided to considerably enrich two existing contracts negotiated in 2007 and 2008 (Compost contract costs more than expected, Burnaby NOW, April 20). The exclusive towing contract with Mundie's Towing set to expire in less than a year will increase 62 per cent, while the composting contract expiring in August this year will increase 37.5 per cent, or $1.4 million. One would think the city would keep the original deal in place and wait until the contract was up before having to cough up more money.

These deals bring up even more unanswered questions. How could the municipality and these companies so grossly underestimate the needs of the city? How many more of these deals are in the works?

Why are these annual overages not paid at the end of each year rather than as a lump sum at the end of the contract?

How much more will the city need to spend when their much touted multifamily food scraps program finally comes online? Is hauling our compostables to Richmond so it can be sold back to us the best solution?

The list goes on.

Rick McGowan, Burnaby